
Fixed Blade Knives - Find Best Prices Fast




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What is a fixed-blade knife?

A fixed-blade knife is a strong knife with a permanently fixed blade that cannot fold down. It stays in one position all the time.

Hunters especially find them useful because they're stronger, more useful, and faster. These knives provide a solid grip, making it easier to use them for different purposes accurately.

What is the purpose of a fixed-blade knife?

  • Everyday Task: Fixed-blade knives are versatile tools that can be used for a wide range of everyday tasks, including cutting, slicing, chopping, and carving.
  • Outdoor Activities: These types of knives are a good choice for outdoor activities like hunting, preparing food, building shelters, and creating fire. Some tasks are better performed with a fixed-blade knife, such as skinning a deer, severing a joint, or cutting up large pieces of meat.
  • Self-Defense: Fixed blade knives are great tools to have for self-defense survival and tactical tasks. Their accessibility, strength, and cutting ability make them effective tools for personal protection in dangerous situations.
  • Everyday Carry: Some people even prefer to have a small fixed-blade knife over a folding knife as their EDC or everyday carry. Because they can be drawn so quickly from their sheaths and are ready to use immediately.

What are the pros and cons of fixed-blade knives?


  • Image Durability: Firstly, fixed-blade knives are durable and actually more durable and stronger. Durability-usually the structure of the blade and tang run the full length of the knife, handle and all. The blades are usually a little thicker, too.
  • Image Reliability: With fewer moving parts, fixed-blade knives are more reliable and less prone to malfunction, making them suitable for demanding tasks without worrying about mechanical failures.
  • Image Fixed blades can be brought into action significantly faster than around 90% of folding knives on the market.
  • Image Weight: Despite their strength, fixed-blade knives can be lightweight and easy to carry.
  • Image Ease of cleaning-pretty much everything can be cleaned with a fixed-blade knife. There are very few places for detritus to hide.


  • Image Larger and more challenging to carry
  • Image May be subject to stricter legal restrictions in some areas

Is it illegal to carry a fixed-blade knife?

The laws regarding the carrying of fixed-blade knives vary by location, so it's important to research and understand the specific regulations in your area.

In general, it's important to carry a fixed-blade knife responsibly and for lawful purposes.

In Washington, you can’t carry ANY fixed blade knife, regardless of size. In Tennessee, you can carry any knife you want.

Consult the LegalBlade app for your state’s laws.

What Fixed knives are best to buy?

When it comes to choosing the best fixed-blade knife, it always depends on user experience. We tested some popular fixed-blade knives and, as per our experience, found some of the best options you must try.

To get the list, check out our dedicated blog post here.

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